Commonly Asked Dental Crowns Questions

Understanding the reasons for dental crowns allows those in need of restoration treatment to know if this treatment is the right option for them. Asking a general dentist about dental crowns allows individuals to get the detailed information they need, as general dentists perform restoration services on a daily basis, thus making them experts on the process. 

About dental crowns

Because dental crowns can support one’s good dental health, more people are turning to the restoration to repair teeth that are in bad shape. Some of the more common reasons why crowns are needed include tooth decay, stain covering, repairing tooth fractures, bruxism and old filling problems. Dental crowns are also used to support a weak tooth after root canal therapy, to make a new tooth look natural after dental implant placement and to secure a dental bridge when one is missing teeth.

What to know about dental crowns

According to Cleveland Clinic, a dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a tooth in order to restore the tooth’s shape and size, strength and appearance. Outlined below are some of the more commonly asked questions and answers that people have about dental crowns.

Are dental crowns custom-made?

Yes, crowns are custom-made for every patient. The reason why it is necessary for a dentist to custom make a dental crown for every patient is to ensure that the crown fits properly. It is essential for crowns to fit properly in order for them to be comfortable, which ensures functional eating, speaking and smiling. It is also important for crowns to be made for each individual patient so that the crown can blend in well with the rest of their teeth, offering patients a natural-looking appearance.

Do crowns come in different materials?

Yes, dental crowns can be made using a few different types of dental materials. This allows patients to choose the type of crown material they want to have in their mouth, meaning that patients have choices. Some of the more popular dental crown materials include all-porcelain crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns and stainless steel crowns. 

Do dental crowns need to be replaced?

Yes, dental crowns will eventually need to be replaced with another crown. The material used for the dental crown and the care provided will determine how long the crown should last. Generally speaking, dental crowns will last anywhere between five and 20 years. Tips for making dental crowns last as long as possible include avoiding chewing ice, wearing a nightguard to stop teeth grinding and to quit biting inedible things or fingernails.

Learn more about dental crowns

There are many options for restoring teeth that are in bad shape, however, dental crowns have grown in popularity due to their durability and natural-looking appearance. When looking for more information on dental crowns, it is best to consult with a general dentist who can perform an evaluation. To get started, reach out today!

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